In English

Chayka Vladimir Kirilovich — Doctor of Medicine, Corresponding Member of the Academy of medical sciences of Ukraine, honoured figure of science and technics of Ukraine, professor, head of the department of obstetrics, gynecologe and perinatology of the learning-scientific Institute of postgraduate education of the M.Gorki Donetsk national medical university

Chayka Vladimir Kirilovich — Doctor of Medicine, Corresponding Member of the Academy of medical sciences of Ukraine, honoured figure of science and technics of Ukraine, professor, head of the department of obstetrics, gynecologe and perinatology of the learning-scientific Institute of postgraduate education of the M.Gorki Donetsk national medical university

The Department of obstetrics and gynecology of the Faculty for doctors’ postgraduate education of the Donetsk State medical university was organized in the year 1964. Since the year 1986 the Head of the Department is prof. Chayka Vladimir Kirilovich — Doctor of Medicine, Corresponding Member of the Academy of medical sciences of Ukraine, honoured figure of science and technics of Ukraine, professor, head of the department of obstetrics, gynecologe and perinatology of the learning-scientific Institute of postgraduate education of the M.Gorki Donetsk national medical university.

In the year 1992 the Department and the city maternity hospital were reorganized in the Donetsk regional centre of women’s and children’s health.

 The main scientific interests of the Deparment are:

  1. Safe maternity and breast-feeding.
  2. Perinatal foetus’ and newborn child’s health.
  3. Problems of saving the family’s reproductive health and reproductive health of children and teenagers.
  4. Family planning and prevention of pregnancy.
  5. Diagnostic and treatment of infertiltity, including IVF-treatment.
  6. Diagnostic, treatment and prevention of inflammatory deseases of women.
  7. Infections in obstetrics and gynecology.
  8. Efferent methods of treatment in obstetrics and gynecology.
  9. Endoscopic surgery in gynecology.
  10. Mammology.
  11. Family medicine.

Our address is: 83114, Donetsk, Panfilova Avenue, 3

Tel: (062) 305-60-71, (062) 311-42-51

Fax: (062) 305-69-79
